Just go through the collection and you would know it yourself. These professionally created templates are exceedingly easy to download, edit, and use. Then with orange as primary and brown as secondary do a linear gradient like this:ģ] Then duplicate that layer twice so that there are three of them like this:Ĥ] On the 'Small' Layer use a Gaussian Blur to about 10 radius:ĥ] On the 'Large' Layer use a Gaussian Blur to about 80 radius:Ħ] Merge all of the text layers down to one like this:ħ] On a new layer above the text layer, render a black and white clouds. Here we are offering a rich collection of amazing fire Photoshop action templates that you can easily use to add some realistic and professional fire, smoke, and ember effects to your photos. Ģ] Magic wand select the text with global on, and at 69% -ish tolerance. I recommend using a classical like font because it works better with them. The best Text Effect to try out this pencil text effect, adding realistic and straight scribbles to any type of graphics.
This is a tutorial on how to make dramatic fire text like this:ġ] Start with a black background and another layer with orange text saying whatever you want. Welcome to MyFonts, the 1 place to download great font-face webfonts and desktop fonts: classics (Baskerville, Futura, Garamond) alongside hot new fonts.